Robben Island PV Facility
Cedar Tower Services was contracted by Rennie Scurr Adendorff Architects to undertake the archaeological component of the Heritage Impact Assessment for the proposed Robben Island Photovoltaic Facility Project. The project aims to make the Island more energy efficient by reducing the use of diesel and substituting it with solar generated power, saving the Island approximately R10m per year. Robben Island is both a National and a World Heritage site. The site was first declared as a National Monument under the National Monuments Act (No 28 of 1969) on the 10th of May 1996. The declaration as a World Heritage Site came into effect on the 4th of December 1999. The Island was declared a National Heritage Site on the 26th of May 2006 under the NHRA. The extent of the World Heritage Site and the National Heritage Site is the same. Robben Island was declared a World Heritage Site on the basis of criterion (iii) (the buildings of Robben Island bear eloquent witness to its sombre history) and criterion (vi) (Robben Island and its prison buildings symbolize the triumph of the human spirit, of freedom, and of democracy over oppression). These are the Outstanding Universal Values (OUVs) which must be taken into account throughout the assessment and against which any impact must be weighed. This is regulated by the Guidance on Heritage Impact Assessments for Cultural World Heritage Properties issued by ICOMOS in 2011.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016