Our heritage inventory service includes the preparation and compilation of heritage inventories required by s. 30(5) of the National Heritage Resources Act (Act 25 of 1999):

"At the time of the compilation or revision of a town or regional planning scheme or a spatial development plan, or at any other time of its choosing, or at the initiative of a provincial heritage resources authority where in the opinion of a provincial heritage resources authority the need exists, a planning authority shall compile an inventory of the heritage resources which fall within its area of jurisdiction and submit such inventory to the relevant provincial heritage resources authority, which shall list in the heritage register those heritage resources which fulfil the assessment criteria under subsection (1)." 

  • All the known heritage resources are summarised and mapped according to their gradings (significance ratings).
  • Gaps and/or unavailable datasets are identified Incomplete or inconsistent gradings of heritage resources are corrected
  • Maps of sites by type (archaeological, palaeontological, built environment, cultural landscapes etc) are provided
  • Full inventories, with gradings, in tabular and GIS format (shapefile/kml) are provided
  • Relevant heritage report references are provided in tabular format
The above data is consolidated and presented in the form of a heritage inventory report which complies with the standards and formats stipulated by the heritage authorities